At this job we undertook a full Shower & Bathroom Regrout with Epoxy Grout as the water leak from the shower also affected the grout on the bathroom floor.
If water has been leaking under the tiles of your shower it can also have progressed in to the bathroom floor area. You can usually tell as the grout lines in the bathroom floor area, and immediatley outside the shower has discoulored, cracked or have grout missing.
Whilst it’s not a big issue leaving the bathroom floor grout as is, there is always a stark difference if you have just had your shower regrouted.
Your shower will look brand new again, however the bathroom floor will leave you underwhelmed as what didn’t look to be too bad at first becomes an eye sore. When you have fresh new grout in the Shower and then dark old grout in the bathroom, the old always looks even older when laid up aginst new grout.
Besides the look of the grout, if water has leaked under the tiles in the bathroom this would likely have affected the waterproof membrane under the tiles in the bathroom area.
To restore the waterproofing in your bathroom floor or shower area, this can be achieved by having these areas regrouted with Epoxy Grout. Not only will you have 100% waterproofing reinstated you will also have a bathroom & shower that looks brand new again.
If you require a Shower Leak Repair, contact us now for a free online quote .